How far along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: According to my weekly e-mails, Baby S is the size of an apple. What type of apple is what I'm curious about!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 pounds (my goal is 25 for the whole pregnancy but we'll have to see how that goes)
Maternity Clothes: My mom took me shopping for my birthday so I have some maternity clothes mixed in with my normal ones.
Gender: Will find out in 3 weeks!
Movement: Might have felt something this week but I'm still unsure. Felt like bubbles popping so that could have just been hunger or indigestion too.
Sleep: I usually wake up once to use the bathroom but otherwise that's it.
What I miss: I've been craving a wheat beer so that's a bummer
Cravings: I randomly bought beef jerky at the store and it tasted delicious!
Symptoms: Exhaustion, occasional nausea, the beginnings of a sore back
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat
I just started thinking at church today that Baby S can almost hear everyone worshiping and how awesome that is. I got a little teary about it (which isn't hard - I teared up during a car commercial this week). So amazed by this little blessing.
Ah, and here is my 3 month picture that I took a few weeks ago! Ignore the grubby clothes!
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